Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at Linjateräs

The Sustainable Future Of Your Product Begins With Us.

Total Carbon Footprint of Linjateräs Powder Coating:

1329,4 t CO2e

May 16, 2024, Reforest Finland Oy. Includes Scope 1-, Scope 2- and Scope 3-emissions.

CEO Tero Viitanen — Linjateräs Oy
CEO Tero Viitanen
Linjateräs — Sustainability — we want to be the leading promoter of sustainable development in Europe within the surface treatment industry.

CEO’s Review: Competitiveness for Our Customers and a Sustainable Future for the Environment

At the end of 2024, Linjateräs will publish its first sustainability report. This marks a significant milestone for our company. It is the first time we have comprehensively reported on our responsibility efforts by applying the CSRD/ESRS standards. Although, as an SME, we are not legally required to fully comply with these regulations, we still have chosen to report on our responsibility “in the spirit of EU requirements.”

We want to be transparent in our operations and show that sustainability is at the core of our business.

A Clear Vision for Sustainable Development

Our company’s vision is clear: we want to be the leading promoter of sustainable development in Europe within the surface treatment industry. Our goal is to advance sustainability across the entire sector and offer our customers surface treatment solutions that not only meet their high technical requirements but also support their sustainability goals.

The core of our business is the surface treatment process, which we carry out in close collaboration with our customers. This process is central to our sustainability report. Continuous optimization of environmental impacts, such as energy consumption, material use, and emissions management, is a key part of our responsibility efforts. We are particularly proud that we have already achieved significant progress in these areas, and we are committed to continuous improvement in our sustainability work.

For us, sustainability is not just about regulatory compliance but an integral part of our everyday operations and the foundation for our future growth. We believe that companies that act responsibly not only contribute to the well-being of society and the environment but also create competitive advantages and long-term value.

Key Development Projects for 2025-2026

In 2025-2026, Linjateräs will focus heavily on promoting sustainable development and reducing environmental impacts. Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality at the Scope 3 level by replacing fossil fuels with bio-based alternatives. At the same time, we aim to increase our energy self-sufficiency by investing in low-emission solutions, such as solar panel systems and energy storage using energy banks.

Eco-Friendly Surface Treatment Technologies

One of our key projects is the exploration and research of environmentally friendly surface treatment technologies. Our goal is to evaluate investment opportunities in these technologies and ensure that we can offer surface treatment solutions in the future that reduce environmental impact while meeting our high-quality standards.


Transparency of environmental impacts is a key objective for us. We plan to integrate carbon footprint calculations into our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, enabling more precise tracking of environmental impacts down to individual products and items. This will enhance collaboration with our customers and support their own sustainability goals.

As technology evolves, we will also increase the use of robotics in our pre-treatment processes. This will improve efficiency and reduce chemical usage by 10-20%. At the same time, we aim to strengthen our collaboration with raw material suppliers, focusing particularly on responsible partners with whom we can implement practical reduction measures to minimize environmental impact. These development initiatives ensure that our company remains at the forefront of sustainable development and is able to meet future environmental challenges.

Benefits for Everyone — from the Environment to Our Customers

Our leadership in this field benefits not only the environment but also our customers, whose competitiveness will take a significant leap forward together with us.

Linjateräs Oy — sustainable and modern Powder Coating services — Linjateräs will focus heavily on promoting sustainable development and reducing environmental impacts. Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality at the Scope 3 level by replacing fossil fuels with bio-based alternatives.
Linjateräs — sustainability — Transparency of environmental impacts is a key objective for us. We plan to integrate carbon footprint calculations into our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system

The Sustainable Future Of Your Product Begins With Us

Linjateräs Oy

Linjateräs — Suomen nopein ja modernein pulverimaalaus eli jauhemaalaus Tampereelta koko Suomeen